An exciting day - and adventure into a different type of "outdoor world"!

Todays the day - I have started this exploration into the ether - otherwise known as the interweb! I have been interested in outdoor adventures for women the world over - it still appears to be a topic that is under-reported and almost too niche to discover with ease. I hope that this blog will collect a broad and interesting range of exciting adventures that women are enriching their lives with the world over, and I further hope it will inspire more women to go out and enjoy the outdoors.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Update and be individual.

As women - we have all uttered the unavoidable groan when faced with colour and design choices for female specific equipment.... really why so much pink!... and why oh WHY is there a hibiscus or a frangipani flower on everything!! Well, my fussiness for colours and designs is well known - and has frustrated many a retailer - so eventually I decided to take matters into my own hands.

After buying a surfboard - with the dreaded hibiscus motif - I did some research on re-painting, called some surfer mates - and eventually found a really cool Auto-paint supply shop. The boys at the shop (actually it is two huge industrial sheds absolutely packed with any and every type of paint paraphernalia) were quite bemused by my request, as this store is more for the hard-core hot-rodders, they were not used to little blonde girls strolling in wanting to paint a surfboard! But they offered me a beer and lots of advice. More importantly they shared my interest in colours, from metallics to flecks, enamels and acrylics. They were concerned about whether I could remember the steps in the process so wrote me a list, and told me to call them if i needed any help...... *bless !!

After two days of masking tape the perfect curves I was ready to start.... the photos below outline the process.

Top 10 Finalists: Most Influential Girl Kitesurfer 2011 | inMotion Kitesurfing

Top 10 Finalists: Most Influential Girl Kitesurfer 2011 | inMotion Kitesurfing

An exciting day - and adventure into a different type of "outdoor world"!

Todays the day - I have started this exploration into the ether - otherwise known as the interweb! I have been interested in outdoor adventures for women the world over - it still appears to be a topic that is under-reported and almost too niche to discover with ease. I hope that this blog will collect a broad and interesting range of exciting adventures that women are enriching their lives with the world over, and I further hope it will inspire more women to go out and enjoy the outdoors.